Sunday, June 28, 2009

1 Week Til Takeoff

What is this, then?

Well, you know that American Idol holds auditions in the summer, correct? They only show them in the winter.

Well, a week from today, I will be boarding an airplane to go to the location of one of the auditions: Orlando, FL.

Why Orlando? Well, my godparents live there for starters. I get a free place to stay, and my godfather's giving me a ride back home.
I also get to spend a day or two in Disney World. For free.

You see, my godparents are retired Disney employees. They can get 3 free passes to Disney per day. I'm probably only going to get to go to one, but that's fine. My favorite park is MGM Studios (oh, fine - DISNEY HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS), so I'll probably pick that one. It has all of the stunt shows, as well as my favorite Disney ride, The Tower of Terror (aka. My wedding chapel).

Anyway, back to Idol.
Registration will be July 7 & 8, auditions will be on July 9.
I have 3 songs prepared. My main one is going to be "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac. My backup songs are "Tell Him" by Vonda Shepard and "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper.

Keep your eyes peeled - and if I make it, be sure to vote for me!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Personal Blog - Post 1

Well, I figured that I had so many ranting blogs, I should put up a blog that's actually, you know, about me and my life.

Let's start with the basics then, shall I?

Name you can call me when Queen_of_the_Serpents gets too long to type: Serpent Queen. Or Mamba; how's that?

Birthday: March 29. That makes me a proud Aries.
-Am I a legal adult?: Yes.

Where I live: I have two homes. One is in the Appalachian Mountains, one is at college in a valley. Both are in the United States.

Skin Color: It's kind of a peachy-pink color. I have a few random freckles on my arms and legs. My shoulders are speckled.

Hair color: Right now, it's blonde with a pink tint. It'll probably change before I go back to school.

What do I do for a living: I eat, sleep, walk around. I'm also a student. I did work in my school's IT department, but I've been made a Resident Assistant (RA) for the 2009-2010 school year.

I keep talking about college; I'll tell you more: I'm going to be a sophmore this year. I haven't declared a major yet, but it will be a Film & International Studies double major.

Any pets: Three dogs, ranging in age from 14 to 4. Two are mixes, one is a collie.
Do I just not like cats?: I love cats. But I have 3 big dogs. They'd probably think it was a chew toy.

Anything else?: I am not interested in men at ALL. I don't want cock pictures, I don't want cyber sex, I don't want a heterosexual relationship or anything resembling one.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Let the blog begin!