Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harry Potter Abounds!

Annoyance abounds!

Today, July 14, is an almost historic day. Why? Because tonight at midnight, the sixth Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, premieres!

Unfortunately, I will not be going to any midnight premieres. Why? Because my mother demanded that I help her paint the house early tomorrow if we went. Since I have no intention of helping (I'm inclined to leave the house as it is), I agreed to wait to see HP6.

But now, she apparently STILL expects me to help her! That wasn't part of the deal!
Grrr....I love my mother, but she vexes me so!

On another note...I finished rereading all 7 HP books yesterday (something I do before each new movie). My favorite book is still #4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I forgot how progessively dark each book gets. It goes from "Yay, let's go get Voldemort!" to "Holy shit, people are dead!" I lost count of how many characters got killed in the final book. I know at least 11 characters were killed, but I don't remember the exact amount.

To all HP fans, you're still awesome!

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