Monday, July 13, 2009

New Task...Need Support

Hey there, friends.

I have decided to do something that might not be wise to my mental health, but I feel will be good in the long run.

All these married people I've been finding on Craigslist, looking to have affairs? I've decided to start emailing them.

I started today. Already, I'm feeling drained.

Two people, both women, responded. They told me (in variations) to fuck off.

Well, guess what? I will not.
This is my war. I will fight it.

But I need strength from anyone reading this blog.
Like I said, negativity is draining.

Men and women alike, lend me your kind words and thoughts. I could really use them.

1 comment:

  1. You're giving up a great deal for this opportunity to screw around with people, the good people of Earth salute you !
