Friday, July 17, 2009

Death of One of My Favorite People

I am so upset right of my favorite people has died.

Walter Cronkite.

For those of you who don't know him, Walter Cronkite was a news anchor at CBS for nearly 20 years, from 1962 to 1981. Among other events, he covered the Cuban missile crisis; the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.; the Vietnam War; the Apollo moon landing; and Watergate. He was also, in my opinion, the greatest journalist of all time.

He actually trained himself to speak slower than the average person, so that we might be able to hear and understand everything that he was saying. He was an amazing figure of authority in his position, giving us the facts without sprinkling them with anything. During the coverage of the moon landing, he stayed on the air for 27 hours, out of the 30 hour news coverage.
He even made time for his 65 year marriage.

He was truly amazing, and I am very sad about his loss. But, as Cronkite once said, "That's the way it is."

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